

<EUREKA FACTORY HEIGHTS>(以下、EUREKA)によるコラボレーションプロジェクトをご紹介するインタビューシリーズ。今回はパリを拠点にイタリア人のクリスティーナ・カシーニ(Cristina Casini)がクリエイティブディレクターを務める<Cristaseya>と、100年以上も履物をつくり続ける京都祇園の老舗<ない藤>が手掛ける<JOJO>とのコラボレーションサンダルです。

厳選された素材と上品なカラーリングで仕上げたサンダルは、4月初旬に東京・中目黒にて開催した<EUREKA EXP LAB>で先行発売した際に即完売。再販に向けてのプレオーダーでも数日で完売となりました。このコラボレーションが生まれたきっかけと完成したプロダクト、日本を訪れたときのエピソードや日本からもインスピレーションを得た次シーズンの構想などについて、クリスティーナさんが<EUREKA>代表の小林 徹とメールで言葉を交わしました。

Edit: Toru Kobayashi (EFH Inc.)
Translation: Koichi Amo (EFH Inc.)



ここから今回のコラボレーションまでの素晴らしいストーリーが始まりましたね。私にとって<JOJO>は高い独創性とクオリティ、そしてモダンな佇まい。すべてがこのプロダクトに備わっていてすごく好きです。トオルが内藤さん *1 たちを紹介してくれて本当に感謝しています。

ーFirst of all, I am really honor you took an offer of our collaboration between JOJO and my store.
I still remember you gladly agree with this project when I suggested to you in Paris. Could you tell me the reason why you take the collaboration so positively?

Cristina: The lovely Eureka lady buyer, who was with you, was wearing JOJO sandals that day at the atelier in Paris.
I had never seen them before and I told her that I loved them. That is how the nice story has started. I love JOJO cause to me it is highest savoir-faire and quality+ modernity, all in one. You have introduced them to us, I will be always grateful for this opportunity.




ーWe’re going to introduce 2 models for this collaboration. Are there any concepts or ideas source for each model?

Cristina: The idea behind the 2 models is what always inspires me and my team, trying to make timeless, elegant, relaxed and highest quality pieces that people want to be wearing for a long time. That is sustainability for us.


クリスティーナ:一目見た瞬間から内藤さんと彼のアシスタントに惚れ込みました。モダンであり自由な発想を持つ、彼らの人生や仕事への情熱を目の当たりにして本当に信頼のおける方たちだと感じました。そして、みんなで一緒にランチでお好み焼きとビールをいただいて、とても思い出深い時間を過ごしました。今回の日本を旅した中でも本当に忘れられない思い出の一つです。本当に素晴らしい人々との出会いでした。トオル、あなたもその一人ですよ。あなたが愛車のクラシックカーに私たちを乗せて、共通の友人であるカナコ(<PORT> *2 八万 佳奈子氏)がいる大阪まで連れて行ってくれたことは決して忘れません。

ーYou’ve visited Japan last autumn. Then you and I came by Gion Naito in Kyoto and we faced craftsman in their work space. How did these experiences impress you?

Cristina: I have loved Naito-san *1 and his assistant at first sight. You feel that they are authentic people, very passionate for their work and for life. Modern and free. And we have spent an unforgettable Okonomiyaki / beer lunch together. It will always be one of the best memory of our travel throughout Japan. A great human encounter. The same as for you, Toru, we will never forget that you took us to Osaka to our mutual friend Kanako (<PORT> *2 / Kanako Hachiman) with your super vintage car.



ー次シーズンであるEdition #15のルックブックやコレクションからは日本へ訪れた経験が色濃く影響している印象を受けました。初めての来日を経て、日本について感じたことや、訪れる前とその後での違いがあれば教えてください。

話は変わるけど、5つのスーツケースが一杯になるくらいに京都で見つけた素晴らしい陶器をパリに持ち帰ってきました。今はコロナウイルスの影響でパリジャンは1ヶ月以上制限された生活を送っているから、その器たちと家での楽しい時間を過ごしています。次シーズンであるEdition #15では、私たちよりも上の世代が持つ気品からインスピレーションを受けています。加えて、このアイデアに日本で感じたことが私の頭の中を駆け巡り、それらがミックスされたコレクションになっています。

ーI think next Collection (Edition #15) of Cristaseya might strongly get some inspiration from your first stay in Japan. Could you tell me how you feel about Japan or what you feel the difference between France and Japan before and after you visit over here?

Cristina: My husband and I have always been spontaneously attracted by Japanese culture and aesthetics(and food !) This trip was the opportunity to go deeper in certain aspects. The difference between before and after the trip is that now we canʼt wait to get back to Japan and discover more. My favorite place was the tiny island of Teshima and its authenticity. 
The best meal, tomato rice omelette in Naoshima with classic music during a storm, heartwarming!
By the way, we got back with five suitcases full of wonderful ceramics from Kyoto,
that have become our best friends now that we have been confined in our Parisian flat for more than one month already.
Upcoming winter Edition #15, which starting point inspiration was eldest generations cool elegance, ended up of course to be a mix of this original idea and Japanese images turning around in my head.



“Stay home, stay safe, slow down and take care”

ーNot only my store, but also there a lot of people who are fascinated by Cristaseya. What do you think about this scene in Japan? And also could you give some message to them?

Cristina: Japan is our first market and we are very grateful to have so many friends of Cristaseya over there.
I think that what fascinates Japanese people in Cristaseya is exactly what attracts me in the Japanese culture:
Highest quality and savoir-faire, simplicity, modernity, authenticity, relaxed and discrete elegance.

The only message that I can give today to Japanese friends is : “Stay home, stay safe, slow down and take care”




ーFinally, I really respect team Cristaseya because you could give a wonderful opportunity and have a precious communication to selected stores in local area like me. I think it is more important and enjoyable to make personal relationship between brands and stores in fashion business. What do you hope to selected stores in the future?

Cristina: We strongly believe that Cristaseya needs to be stocked in shops that share our sensibility, that understand our universe and are able to communicate our story to the client. Shops that have a strong relationship with their clients. This is how we select our shops and will continue to be doing.




ーThank you so much for making this great opportunity.
We wish to enjoy a dinner with you again!!

Cristina: Thank you Toru! 
I hope to see you in Paris very soon for another dinner together, hopefully!❤
Very Best,


*1: Mr. Seiji Naito. The 5th president of <Gion Naito> presiding JOJO

*2: The store selecting women’s clothing and vintage furniture in Oasaka

Editer’s Note




Last June, This collaboration started moving through a conversation in a early afternoon in Paris. This wonderful product was completed with the Cristina’s spirit of adventure and Mr. Naito’s tolerant mind. Both of them are really kind and warming and everything was going so smoothly without stress.

Also I could realize her great personality again and really appreciate to Cristina for accepting this interview even though Paris where Cristina lives and her mother country Italy suffer from serious damage of Corona Virus more than Japan.

Although we need keeping social distance and taking care today,  shy Japanese people like me even say goodbye with Baci. (But need a little alcohol.)When all over the world will be able to get back to ordinary days again, I would like to enjoy delicious Italian foods and wine. (Or okonomiyaki and beer)
Hope The day is coming back as soon as possible, Ciao!!